From the blog
A Special Announcement: Jennie Romer's First Book
Can I Recycle This? is an illustrated guide and tour of how recycling actually works. With a focus on single-use plastics and productive policy-making, Can I Recycle This? is a user-friendly guide that, above all else, teaches you what can and can’t be recycled!
The United States Has Over 1000 Plastic Reduction Policies
Adopting local plastic reduction policies in the U.S. is vital to stopping this flow of plastic into the ocean. Over 1000 laws have been added to a dataset that features bag, polystyrene, and straw laws.
Judge Upholds New York State’s Ban on All Plastic Bags
After full enforcement of the law in New York State, activists anticipate a dramatic reduction of plastic carryout bag litter on our streets and beaches.
A Fast Company World Changing Idea
New York City Residents use and discard about 10 billion plastic bags every year. The city is in serious need of a plastic bag law. We teamed up with Papel & Caneta to create an award winning video about the issue, featuring bodega owners from the 5 NYC boroughs. Watch and share the #VoteWithYourTote video today, then learn more about how to get involved.