Honolulu City Council Rejects Plastic Bag Fee
The Honolulu City Council for the City and County of Honolulu narrowly rejected a 5-cent plastic bag fee in August 2010 by a 5-4 vote. The counties of Maui and Kaua'i have already adopted plastic bag bans.
- Honolulu City Counsel (HI)
- ordinance, rejected 8/12/10
- 5-cents fee on non-compostable plastic bags
- applies to ALL businesses
- ban on all plastic bags (including compostable) after five years
- ordinance, rejected 8/12/10
Kaua'i County (HI) Adopts Plastic Bag Ban
- ordinance, adopted 10/12/09
- ban on all non-compostable plastic bags
- applies to ALL businesses
- purpose is to encourage customers to bring their own reusable bags when shopping
- does not prevent the retail establishment from providing recyclable bags for sale
County of Maui
- ordinance, adopted 8/25/08
- ban on all plastic bags
- implementation scheduled for 1/11/11
- residents have expressed concerns that terms need to be clarified