Plastic Bag Legislation
tracking BAg LAWs internationally
Wikipedia - an extensive list of international plastic bag laws titled "Phase-out of lightweight plastic bags."
Surfrider Foundation Europe - scroll down towards the bottom of the page for a map of plastic bag laws in Europe.
Plastic Pollution Coalition’s Global Map of Plastic Reduction Legislation - sortable data set of all plastics reduction laws in the world.
tracking bag laws in the U.s. - a map created by S. Walter Packaging for retailers seeking information about laws detailing the use of paper and plastic bags.
Novolex leg map - a law tracker created by the biggest bag manufacturer in the U.S.
Californians Against Waste - all pending laws in California that affect waste/recycling/the environment, including a list of bag laws in the U.S.
The Surfrider Foundation (U.S.) - a resource dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world's ocean, waves and beaches through a powerful activist network, including plastic bag bans and fees.
Mass Green Network - compiles resources and best practices drawn from the experience of municipalities in Massachusetts and elsewhere, including a Plastic Bag Legislation page.
Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE) works to protect the environment and public health with the support of members in New York and Connecticut, including a Local Disposable Bag Legislation campaign.