Jennie Romer to Speak at Pratt University (Free events)


Chances are you already know how pervasive a problem plastic pollution is in our oceans and on our streets, but it can be hard to know what exactly to do about it. This October, Jennie Romer will be speaking at two events aimed at arming you with the tools you need to combat plastic bag use in New York.

Changing the Tide on Plastic Pollution

When: Friday, October 5  • 12- 2 pm
Where: Alumni Reading Room, Pratt Library (Brooklyn campus)
Three experts, including Jennie Romer, will discuss what is needed for collective action against plastic pollution in our oceans to take root and how crucial it is to not only rely on individual change, but implement institutional change as well.

See the event details and RSVP!  

Additionally, you can see Jennie discuss along with Elissa Olin of Green in BKLYN how businesses and consumers can combat the use of single-use plastic bags for the  Local Brooklyn Boutique Campaigns Against Single-Use Plastic. The event will start at 7 pm, they will be speaking at 8pm at Suzette LaValle Boutique (726 Franklin Ave, Brooklyn).

Jennie Romer