Plastic bag waste threatens our environment, waterways, and marine life. Last year, the Governor killed NYC's plastic-bag law. Now, he's proposing legislation that would nullify policies that have gone into effect in Suffolk, New Castle, and other localities across the state.
To understand why a straight ban is bad policy, you can read this analysis by Jennie Romer or the long list of 'cons' from the Governor's own New York Plastic Bag Task Force Report (page 20).

It's time to say no to plastic bags.
We enlisted bodega owners across the 5 boroughs to start conversations in their communities about plastic bags.

#VoteWithYourTote by carrying a reusable tote to reduce plastic waste and starting conversations with your friends and politicians about why New York needs a carryout bag fee – not just a plastic bag ban.
Learn more & get involved >

Our project was recognized by Fast Company's annual World Changing Ideas competition, which drew almost 2000 participants from around the world. #VoteWithYorTote was awarded as a Finalist. This amazing accomplishment would not have been possible without New York's local bodega owners and tireless activists, who will never stop fighting for progressive plastic bag regulation.