Plastic Bag Manufacturers SLAPP ChicoBag for "Talking Trash" (official court documents posted)
Nearly six months after the lawsuit was filed, Andy's Keller's case is finally garnering national attention as the "David v. Goliath" fight that it is. Back in January, Keller's company ChicoBag was sued by three of the largest domestic manufacturers of single-use plastic bags, alleging that ChicoBag “irreparably harmed” their business. The suit was a SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) aimed at getting ChicoBag (and Keller) to shut up and stop lobbying in favor of plastic bag ordinances. Luckily, the lawsuit appears to have done just the opposite - Keller hasn't stopped talking and his story has been covered in countless publications including treehugger,, sfgate and the NY Times!
Read an interview with regarding the ChicoBag SLAPP here.
View the relevant court documents here.
Keller (as "BagMonster") is a leader in the movement to reduce single-use bag waste.